My name is Luis Viveros, Jr. I was born and raised in Miami, Florida to Colombian parents. My family consist of my wife (STOF tribal member), 3 amazing daughters, and doggie “Peewee”. We previously lived in New Mexico for 13 years and returned home to South Florida 3 years ago.
I graduated from St. Thomas University with a B.A in Elementary Education and from George Mason University with a M.Ed. in Special Education with concentration in Autism.
I have had the pleasure to work in the field of education for the past 23 years. During this time, I have experienced different school settings from elementary (General Education 2nd-5th grade), middle (General Education 6th-8th grade), and district social-emotional program (Exceptional Student Education 2nd-8th grade). During that time, I have gained valuable experiences that have prepared me for my current role as ESE Program Manager for the STOF Education Department. I realize the importance of communication, collaboration, patience, and building authentic relationships with families.
As a member of the Education Department, I hope to use my experiences and expertise to provide support to our tribal youth!
Phone: 954-966-6300 x10507